Prof. Eunice Seekoe

Deputy Chair of National Entrepreneurial Development in Higher Education (EDHE) CoP and EDHE Researcher and Visiting Professor at Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln.

Prof. Eunice Seekoe

Deputy Chair of National Entrepreneurial Development in Higher Education (EDHE) CoP and EDHE Researcher and Visiting Professor at Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln.


Prof Eunice was former DVC: Teaching, Learning and Community Engagement (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, South Africa and Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Fort Hare, South Africa. She was the Director of the Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership Programme in Health (ASELPH), a partnership amongst the Universities of Fort Hare (Faculty of Health Sciences), Pretoria (School of Public Health) and Harvard (School of Public Health). Prof. Eunice hold a PhD, MBA, M Soc Sc in Nursing Education. Her academic career started at the University of the Free State where she pioneered the development and implementation of a Problem Based Learning and Community Based Curriculum within the School of Nursing.