Sybille Schiffmann

Director of Deostara Limited, Leadership Consultancy. Also, a UK-based consultant on the project – Women in Higher Education  Leadership

Sybille Schiffmann

Director of Deostara Limited, Leadership Consultancy. Also, a UK-based consultant on the project – Women in Higher Education  Leadership


Just over four years ago I became the founder and Director of Deostara Limited, a leadership consultancy that provides support for leaders and leadership teams to flourish, in line with their values and purpose.  I provide 121 and team coaching, plus facilitation to support strategic and operational business planning, leadership, team development and change for example.  Over the last four years, I have designed and facilitated customised leadership development programmes for a wide range of clients. These have included:  health and social care organisations, a leading SW back-office and IT services company, and within higher education, local government, arts organisations and charities, plus environmental and social sector organisations.  During this time, I have been the independent Chair of the Wise Goose School of Coaching since 2020, and I co-facilitate on its foundation and advanced coach training programmes with its founder.    See